class Media2Click { #cookieHosts = []; #lifetime = -1; constructor(lifetime = -1) { console.log(lifetime); this.setCookieLifetime(lifetime); this.#cookieHosts = this.#getCookieHosts(); let thisObject = this; let elementList = document.querySelectorAll('.media2click-wrap'); elementList.forEach(function(element) { thisObject.#initElement(element); }); let toggleList = document.querySelectorAll('.media2click-toggle'); toggleList.forEach( function (toggle) { thisObject.#initToggle(toggle); }); } /** * Initialise a placeholder element * @param element */ #initElement(element) { let thisObject = this; let placeholder = element.querySelector('.media2click-placeholder'); let host = ''; if (placeholder !== null) { host = placeholder.getAttribute('data-host'); let type = 'iframe'; if (placeholder.classList.contains('media2click-placeholder-content')) { type = 'content'; } let contentData = element.querySelector('.media2click-contentdata'); let frameData = element.querySelector('.media2click-iframedata'); let activateOnce = element.querySelector('.media2click-once'); let activatePermanent = element.querySelector('.media2click-permanent'); /* Activate once and load iframe */ if (activateOnce !== null) { activateOnce.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (type === 'content') { thisObject.#activateContent(contentData, placeholder); } else { thisObject.#activateFrame(frameData, placeholder); } }, false); } /* Activate permanently and load iframe */ if (activatePermanent !== null) { activatePermanent.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); thisObject.addHost(host); if (type === 'content') { thisObject.#activateContent(contentData, placeholder); } else { thisObject.#activateFrame(frameData, placeholder); } }, false); } /* If already activated permanently, load iframe */ if (thisObject.isActiveHost(host)) { if (type === 'content') { thisObject.#activateContent(contentData, placeholder); } else { thisObject.#activateFrame(frameData, placeholder); } } } } /** * Initialize a toggle element * @param toggle */ #initToggle(toggle) { let thisObject = this; let host = toggle.getAttribute('data-host'); if(thisObject.isActiveHost(host)) { toggle.classList.add('activated'); toggle.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } toggle.addEventListener('click', function (event) { toggle.classList.toggle('activated'); if (toggle.className === 'media2click-toggle activated') { thisObject.addHost(host); } else { thisObject.removeHost(host); } }); } /** * Replace media2click dummy element with actual iframe * @param dataNode * @param placeholderNode */ #activateFrame(dataNode, placeholderNode) { let newNode = document.createElement('iframe'); let frameData = JSON.parse(dataNode.getAttribute('data-attributes')); Object.entries(frameData).forEach(([key, value]) => newNode.setAttribute(key, value)); dataNode.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, dataNode); dataNode.parentElement.removeChild(dataNode); placeholderNode.parentElement.removeChild(placeholderNode); } #activateContent(contentNode, placeholderNode) { let newNode = document.createElement('iframe'); let contentData = JSON.parse(contentNode.text); Object.entries(contentData.attributes).forEach(([key, value]) => newNode.setAttribute(key, value)); contentNode.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, contentNode);; newNode.contentWindow.document.write('


' + contentData.content + ''); newNode.contentWindow.document.close(); contentNode.parentElement.removeChild(contentNode); placeholderNode.parentElement.removeChild(placeholderNode); } /** * Set the media2click accepted hosts cookie */ #setCookie() { let uniqueHosts = [ Set(this.#cookieHosts)]; let expires = ''; if (this.#lifetime > 0) { let d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (this.#lifetime * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString() + ";"; } document.cookie = "m2c_accepted_hosts=" + uniqueHosts.join() + ";" + expires + "path=/;SameSite=Strict"; } /** * Get the media2click accepted hosts from cookie * @returns {string[]} */ #getCookieHosts() { let thisObject = this; let decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); let ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { let c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf("m2c_accepted_hosts=") === 0) { let hosts = c.substring(19, c.length).split(','); let uniqueHosts = [ Set(hosts)]; return uniqueHosts.filter(function(host) { return thisObject.#isValidHost(host); }); } } return []; } /** * Delete the media2click accepted hosts cookie */ #deleteCookie() { document.cookie = "m2c_accepted_hosts=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;"; } /** * Check host for validity * @param host * @returns {boolean} */ #isValidHost(host) { if (typeof host !== 'string' || host === '') { return false; } return !/[^a-z0-9._-]/i.test(host); } /** * Set the cookie lifetime * @param lifetime */ setCookieLifetime(lifetime) { lifetime = Number.parseInt(lifetime, 10); if (Number.isNaN(lifetime) || lifetime < 0) { lifetime = 7; } this.#lifetime = lifetime; } /** * * @returns {string[]} */ getActiveHosts() { return this.#cookieHosts; } /** * Check if a host is active * @param host * @returns {boolean} */ isActiveHost(host) { if (!this.#isValidHost(host)) { return false; } return (this.#cookieHosts.indexOf(host) > -1); } /** * Add a host to the allowed hosts list and update the cookie * @param host * @returns {boolean} */ addHost(host) { if (!this.#isValidHost(host)) { return false; } if (!this.isActiveHost(host)) { this.#cookieHosts.push(host); this.updateCookie(); } return true; } /** * Remove a host from the allowed hosts list and update the cookie * @param host * @returns {boolean} */ removeHost(host) { if (!this.#isValidHost(host)) { return false; } if (this.isActiveHost(host)) { this.#cookieHosts.splice(this.#cookieHosts.indexOf(host), 1); this.updateCookie(); } return true; } /** * Update the cookie */ updateCookie() { if (this.#cookieHosts.length > 0) { this.#setCookie(); } else { this.#deleteCookie(); } } /** * Activate all elements for a selected host * @param host * @returns {boolean} */ activateAllForHost(host) { if (!this.#isValidHost(host)) { return false; } let thisObject = this; let elementList = document.querySelectorAll('.media2click-wrap'); elementList.forEach(function(element) { let placeholder = element.querySelector('.media2click-placeholder'); let elementHost = ''; if (placeholder !== null) { elementHost = placeholder.getAttribute('data-host'); let type = 'iframe'; if (placeholder.classList.contains('media2click-placeholder-content')) { type = 'content'; } let contentData = element.querySelector('.media2click-contentdata'); let frameData = element.querySelector('.media2click-iframedata'); if (elementHost === host) { if (type === 'content') { thisObject.#activateContent(contentData, placeholder); } else { thisObject.#activateFrame(frameData, placeholder); } } } }); return true; } } document.addEventListener('readystatechange', (event) => { if ( === 'complete') { if (typeof media2click === 'undefined') { if (typeof m2cCookieLifetime === 'undefined' || isNaN(m2cCookieLifetime)) { const media2click = new Media2Click(); } else { const media2click = new Media2Click(m2cCookieLifetime); } } } });